We created an app that automatically creates Draft Invoices in Xero, using the data from the Treasurers report (in CSV format, as it comes straight out of Mahi Tahi).
You may have a nice system working for you, and i understand you won't want lots of duplicate member records... so please read on.
The invoices will be created in the name of the youth as the contact/customer name: eg "Smith - Jane" (eg the Xero Contact Organisation name)
The contact record first name and last name will be the parent/guardian, eg "Mary" and "Smith" (where Mary is Janes mum)
The scouts national DB number will be assigned to the contact account ID (if none exists)
The xero sync uses either the contact/customer name or the account ID to sync... This seems to work well for our test. It also appeared to add the ID if there was no account ID for the member existing. We crafted the name format to match our own needs. We started testing in term 3 of 2024.
If you make a mistake, you can simply select all your draft invoices in Xero, delete them, and start again. However, you may also need to clean up duplicate member records... (or perhaps, you might merge them, and start using the new format)
This process does not record any data whatsoever on our servers. We do not store your xero credentials, we do not store your token. As soon as you have finished, we terminate the App connection.
Your treasurer report will be stored only for a moment on our servers. As soon as the invoices are in Xero, which is near immediately, then our server automatically deletes that file. If any errors occur, the directory of files will be deleted overnight
This app has been provided by Website World, as a service to the scouting community.
This app is only for use by Scouting admins from NZ, using the treasurer report in the format from MahiTahi. Please do not use this app with any other files or formats.
This app was created by Reuben Jackson, one of our leaders at Hawke Group (MoanaRua Zone), and is hosted by Website World. Consider contacting Website World if you want your scout website hosted. :-)